Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the genetic capital of GRAINES VOLTZ
In the environmental field, the company’s activity is genuinely sustainable development. GRAINES VOLTZ’s CSR approach is therefore an integral part of the Group’s strategic project. More than a legal obligation, CSR permeates all of the company’s activities with a view to overall performance and the creation of shared value with stakeholders.
The fact that the company is listed on the stock exchange does not contradict this orientation, as more and more shareholders favour companies whose strategy includes sustainable development objectives, which do not hinder economic performance but, on the contrary, promote it.
Carrying the CSR approach high
GRAINES VOLTZ is convinced that the company of tomorrow will be the one that has a sound, clean and ethical policy. This is why the company has defined and monitors its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) indicators. Because it wants its employees, customers and suppliers to be proud to work for the GRAINES VOLTZ Group, it shares its approach with them through the Extra-Financial Performance Statement (EFPS).

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Transforming the planet with the SDGs
In September 2015, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by 193 UN countries. Also known as the 2030 Agenda, this agenda aims to transform society by eradicating poverty and ensuring a just and inclusive transition to sustainable and inclusive development.
GRAINES VOLTZ has adopted the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals as a benchmark for assessing the Group’s CSR contribution and accurately measuring related policies and performance.